Surya Namaskara

Yoga is the ancient gift to mankind. It positively influences the integrative conditioning to our physical and mental health. The health and pharma industry across the globe recognised the importance of Yoga and started asking patients to practice Yoga.

Of the many Yoga aasanas, I feel Surya Namaskara is one of the most powerful aasanas. I heard experts saying Surya Namaskara can cure most of the diseases that mankind faces when practised daily with focus and devotion.

I started practising Surya Namaskara daily and experiencing below benefits.

1. When I perform three cycles of Surya Namaskara, I sweat a lot.  When I perform 3 cycles for 30 minutes, I sweat equivalent to what I sweat after 2 hours of brisk walking. 

2. I feel this is rich form of exercise. When I walk, my legs are too much stressed. Incase of Yoga, most parts of my body are stretched and conditioned.

3. When I chant mantra and synchronise my breath suggested for each posture, the benefits started multiply. Each posture makes me focused on my breathing. This is invariably taking me concentrate. Thus, I am conditioning myself to concentrate.

4. I can perform Surya Namasakara with ease and less effort.