
Tula means a simple balance.


1. Cures stiffness in knees and ankles.
2. Strengthens the arms, writs and shoulders.
3. Brings power to the core muscles.


Those with shoulder or wrist injury better avoid.


1. Sit in Dandasana.
2. While inhaling come to Padmasana. Place the palms on the ground, either side of the body. Fingers should point forward.
3. While exhaling, raise the body up with the support of palms as high as possible. (Tulasana posture)
4. Maintain in this Tulasana posture for 30 seconds with normal breathing.
5. While inhaling, bring the body down to the ground.
6. While exhaling, release the legs one by one and stretch out the legs. Come back to Dandasana and relax.